Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What causes Eczema?

There are no absolute causes of eczema but the tendency to get eczema can be hereditary. One study showed that there is an 80% chance of the offspring of a parent who suffers from eczema, hay fever and/or asthma will also suffer from eczema.

Irritants can also cause eczema. Some eczema irritants include hot and humid weather, cold and dry weather, chemicals and solvents. Allergens can also trigger an outbreak of eczema. These include but are not limited to pollutants, tobacco smoke, pollens, pets, dust mites, moulds and spores. Allergens should be avoided if at all possible for the eczema sufferer.

Foods are also suspected of causing eczema. Certain foods such as dairy products, wheat, citrus fruits, eggs, nuts, chemical additives, preservatives and artificial colorings are most suspected of causing an eczema outbreak.

Stress can also trigger an eczema flare up as stress usually starts to weaken the immune system response. Considering that having eczema can also cause a person stress, this unfortunately causes a never-ending cycle.

While eczema has no absolute causes, an eczema sufferer should not exclude all of these from their daily lives. As with most sensitivities, one, most, all or none of the above listed items can cause an eczema outbreak. It all depends on the individual.

This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For more information or a diagnoses, please contact your health care professional.

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